Interest Groups
Book Club

On the left is our very own CFUW author Katalin Kennedy who was recently awarded the 2024 International IMPACT Book Award!
Our Book Club meets on the second Friday of every month (September to June) at the Best Western in Cornwall.
Books are chosen in June for the following year and presented by members over lunch.​
​March 14, 11:30 am
Novel: The Berry Pickers
Author: Amanda Peters
Presenter: Judy Hart​​​
April 11, 2025
Novel: The Art of Camouflage
Author: Sara Power
Presenter: Katalin Kennedy
It's a challenging, stimulating, and appetizing time.
​Let's Read!​
For more information, contact:
Outdoor Club
Recent excursion to OTTAWA'S WINTERLUDE! Photo on the right!
​We enjoy walking, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing on the many trails in SD&G. ​ Our weekly 1-2 hour excursions take place on Thursdays or Fridays at 1:30 pm depending on the weather.
Contact Hilary for more information
​Let's Get Out There!
​For more information, contact: or

Gourmet Club
Do you love great food, good wine, and sparkling conversation? Join our group!We plan 3 four-course dinners at member's homes throughout the year for members to enjoy. All costs are shared between members.
Our next dinner will take place on Tuesday, March 18th at 6 pm. Location TBA
Let's Eat!​
For more information, contact:

Excursion Group
Future excursions
***Canadian Tulip Festival Ottawa April/May***
***City of Cornwall Recycling Plant***